Creating a Budget
Scroll down for accepted Budget Categories.
Itemizing Your Budget or Spending Plan
- Always round budget items to the nearest $5. We get that $1.98 rounds to $5 and realize that final expenses will not precisely match your estimates.
- Always double check your math. Math errors are the single most frequent cause for disqualification.
- Place each item on a separate line. DO NOT group individual items together. Be specific, if you simply state “$200 for publicity” you are not itemizing.
- List dollar figures first, then add labels or explanations. For example:
- $300 – metal frames (3 at $100 each)
- Budgets MUST be presented using one or more of the accepted categories.
- Budgets MUST include an itemized list of expenses, with the following exceptions:
- Budgets MAY NOT include any Disallowed Expenses.
- Expenses incurred (or paid for) prior to the Start Date MAY NOT be listed.
- Out of State Travel or activities that take place outside the State of Minnesota MAY NOT be included.
- Items covered by MSAB grants MAY NOT be listed.
Budget Categories
When creating a SEMAC project budget, all proposed expenses must fall under one of these eight specific categories of expenses. You need not use all of them. Choose only the budget categories that make sense for your specific grant activity.
Artist Fees, Honoraria & Stipends
- List payments to artists, volunteers or staff by name or job title. Give the method of calculation (number of hours, rate per hour, etc.). Note to Individual Artists: this includes artist fees for yourself.
- DO NOT include staff time that will still be covered if the project is not funded.
- DO NOT list contractors or companies whose services fit into one of the other budget categories.
Cost of Evaluation
- Grantees will be REQUIRED to evaluate the grant activity in their Final Reports. Therefore, you will incur some costs. Example; Survey Supplies (such as copies, pencils, incentives) and/or reimbursement for time spent tabulating results.
- Up to 5% of the grant may be used for this purpose.
- $150 for Emerging Artists
- $250 for Advancing Artists and Oganizational Grants up to $5,000
- $500 for Legacy Grants for Arts Organizations
Equipment & Non-Expendable Materials
- List necessary equipment or other non-expendable materials to be purchased. Unless already addressed in the Proposal Narrative section, explain how the item(s) will be used once the project is complete.
- Facility improvements not directly related to this specific grant activity are PROHIBITED.
Expendable Supplies & Materials
- List and label amounts for purchase of supplies and materials, but DO NOT include supplies already on hand.
In-State Travel
- Include in-state travel, transportation and incidental expenses. If Out of State Travel or activities that take place outside the State of Minnesota are necessary to your proposal, contact director(at) for instructions.
- Include cost of ads, printing costs, postage, etc., that WILL NOT BE provided by your host venue. Be specific, every item should be listed and itemized.
Rental of Space or Equipment
- Include rental rates and number of hours or days that you expect to rent.
Other Expenses
- Any other expenses necessary for this specific grant activity that were not previously identified.