Literary Arts
The following literary organizations serve the SEMAC region of southeastern Minnesota. Though not an exhaustive list, these groups range from presenting arts productions to providing education in the arts.
If you do not find your organization listed, or if information should be updated, please email staff(at) to be added to the list. It is not necessary that a group be a SEMAC grantee to be included on this list.

- The Anderson Center
PO Box 406, 163 Tower View Dr, Red Wing MN 55066
651-388-2009 or info(at)
- Red Dragonfly Press
email reddragonflypress(at) to contact the virtual management team
- Shipwreckt Books Publishing Company
153 Franklin St, Winona MN 55987
507-458-8190 or editor(at)
- Southeastern Minnesota Poets
email poets.semn(at) for monthly meeting times and locations including Zoom