Glossary of Terms Used in Grant Applications
- ADA Access Plan
- Applicant
- Authorizing Official
- Capstone Event (public engagement component)
- Culture Bearer
- Disallowed Expenses
- Eligibility
- Equity Organization
- Final Submission Deadline
- Fiscal Sponsor
- Funding Limits
- Grant Coordinator
- Grant Review
- In-Kind Contributions
- Misuse of Funds Procedure
- Non-Profit Status
- Out of State Travel
- Partner Organization
- Restrictions
- Review Criteria
- SEMAC Region
- SMART Model Evaluation Method
- Start and End Dates
- Venues
- Work Samples
ADA Access Plan
All organizations receiving public funding from SEMAC are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal Section 504 Regulations to work with people with disabilities to facilitate access to their projects, either access to a facility or access to the content of the project. For projects that may present accessibility issues, an access plan describes your efforts to comply with the ADA for current grant activities and outlines future goals for making your facilities, programs, or services accessible to persons with disabilities.
The main arts organization, non-arts nonprofit, government entity or school organizing, implementing, and committing resources to the arts programming proposal. If two groups are involved please select one to be the lead and therefore the applicant. The other group shall be designated the Partner Organization. All applicants must be located within the SEMAC Region. For additional information about eligible applicants, see Eligibility.
Authorizing Official
That person empowered to enter into contracts for the applicant organization. This is usually the board chairperson, president or executive director. Authorizing officials certify that their Board of Directors supports the operating budget as described in the application, resolves to carry out the budget as described therein, and that the programming does not duplicate funding from any previous grant.
Capstone Event
All proposals funded by SEMAC must include a public engagement component to benefit the citizens of southeastern Minnesota (see SEMAC Region). In other words, the project must include an event held in the SEMAC region at a nonprofit or other approved venue that is accessible and open to the public. For example: performances, gallery openings, workshops and other events that showcase the arts. All capstone events must be in person and may include a virtual option to expand participation.
Culture Bearer
Culture Bearer refers to an individual trained by traditional elders or master artists, whose artistic practice reflects the cultural life of a community with a common ethnicity, geographic or regional identity, occupation, language, or tribal affiliation.
Disallowed Expenses
None of the following expenses may be included in your project budget:
- out of state travel or activities that take place outside the state of Minnesota
- grant writing expenses (not allowed as it takes place before the Start Date)
- benefits, fundraisers, donations, or re-granting money (including outside scholarships and/or prize money)
- purchase of alcoholic beverages
- Grants to schools must supplement rather than supplant the school’s prescribed curriculum. Programs designed to meet K-12 Minnesota Academic Standards in the Arts are not eligible, nor are field trips for students.
- promotion of religious backgrounds, faiths, or beliefs and the project is designed essentially for the religious socialization of the audience
- use in feasibility studies or lobbying
- general operating support of festivals or arts fairs (although specific artistic components of a festival or fair may be eligible)
- programming in which artists are required to pay excessive entry or exhibition fees in order to exhibit and/or perform
- purchase of real property
- endowment funds
- living expenses
- legal fees
- any activity that violates federal, state, or local laws, ordinances, or policies. Failure to comply with this requirement may cause the grant to be terminated and funds to be forfeited.
Also, with certain exceptions for Legacy Grants, these are not allowed. Organizations should contact the SEMAC office with any questions regarding such projects.
- historic preservation projects
- purchase or commission of a work of art for a public place
- capital improvement or construction
The primary focus of all proposals must be the development, education, performance, and/or showcasing of the arts.
The following individuals and groups are eligible to apply for SEMAC funding as long as they meet all other eligibility standards. See Grant Categories for specific information about the grants that SEMAC offers.
Arts Organization whose primary mission is the arts | $10,000 Legacy Grant $5,000 General Operating Support $5,000 Programming Grant $5,000 Small Towns/Rural Areas* |
Arts Organization that receives MSAB Operating Support | $10,000 Legacy Grant |
Equity Organization is led by or provides services to equity individuals, regardless of mission | $5,000 Legacy Grant |
Individual Artist or Culture Bearer | $3,000 Emerging Artist Grant $5,000 Advancing Artist Grant |
Local Government or Tribal Entity | $5,000 Legacy Grant $5,000 Small Towns/Rural Areas* |
Nonprofit Organization whose mission is not the arts | $5,000 Legacy Grant $5,000 Small Towns/Rural Areas* |
Non-religious K-12 School | $5,000 Legacy Grant $3,000 School Residency (K-12 only) $5,000 Small Towns/Rural Areas* |
* Note: Small Towns/Rural Areas Grants are limited to applicants in communities with populations under 7,500. Arts organizations that receive General Operating Support are not eligible to apply for administrative support under a Small Towns/Rural areas grant.
These entities cannot apply for SEMAC grants.
- for-profit businesses
- religious organizations
- organizations intending to influence public policy
- public radio or television stations
Equity Organization
Equity organizations are defined as nonprofits led by or whose mission includes equity for one or more of the following communities.
- BIMPOC (black, indigenous, multiracial, people of color)
- Culture Bearers
- PWD (people with disabilities)
- LGBTQIA2+ (people who identify as non-heterosexual)
- Veterans or Seniors
Final Submission Deadline
SEMAC currently has four grant deadlines per year, two for individual artists, and two for organizations. See Calendar for specific dates. All final submission deadlines are 11:59pm on the dates indicated.
- Individual Artist Deadlines on July 28 and January 28
- Organizational Deadlines on September 30 and March 30
As the grant interface is available 24 hours a day, all application and report deadlines are 11:59pm (just before midnight) on the date indicated.
Applications are available thirty days prior to a grant deadline. Completed applications must be submitted before 11:59pm on the Final Submission Deadline.
Applications may be submitted prior to the deadline, but will not be accepted the day after the deadline, regardless of whether a deadline falls on a weekend.
SEMAC will not accept late applications or confirming emails. This is in fairness to applicants that did submit before the deadline. No exceptions.
Fiscal Sponsor
The Minnesota 501(c)(3) organization who has agreed to be legally responsible for the proper use of grant funds when an Applicant Organization is not yet eligible for its own federal tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) or comparable status under the Internal Revenue Code.
Funding Limits
An Individual Artist may not apply as an emerging artist at any time after having received funding as an advancing artist. Unsuccessful applicants in either individual artist category may apply again as early as the next deadline. Recipients of Individual Artist Grants who are in good standing are eligible to reapply every fiscal year.
Non-arts organizations may receive one grant per fiscal year.(July 1 through June 30). Refer to the Eligibility table for a list of grants available to non-arts organizations.
Arts organizations may apply for up to three SEMAC Grants per fiscal year from different grant categories as long as the proposals are not submitted under the same deadline, and the organization is otherwise eligible in those categories. See Grant Categories for information on maximum awards per category.
Grant Coordinator
The person designated by the Applicant Organization to oversee the implementation of the grant proposal. This person is responsible for the timely submission of all required forms and reports to SEMAC. This person should be knowledgeable in all aspects of the proposed project since SEMAC may need to contact this person with questions specific to the proposal narrative and budget. Please note that all SEMAC correspondence regarding this proposal will be directed to the Grant Coordinator.
Grant Review
Note that in-person Grant Reviews are currently suspended due to the pandemic. After an eligibility review by SEMAC staff, the grant coordinator will receive an email acknowledgement with an invitation to attend the Grant Review, typically held approximately thirty days after the deadline. At the Grant Review, the SEMAC Arts Advisory Panel will openly discuss and then rank each application. All rankings will be based on the written proposals using our established Review Criteria.
In-Kind Contributions
To be considered in-kind, donated or reduced rate goods or services must be necessary to the proposal, and those goods and services would be purchased if they had not been contributed.
- Professional services must be donated by an outside provider working in that profession and valued at the provider’s professional rate.
- An applicant or partner organization may not provide in-kind donations to its own proposed project.
- Volunteers cannot be calculated as part of in-kind services.
Non-Profit Status
To be eligible for SEMAC funding, all organizations must (1) be exempt from federal taxes, with 501(c)(3) or equivalent status (meaning the IRS recognizes them as a public charity), AND (2) be a recognized non-profit, with Articles of Incorporation on file with the State of Minnesota. In cases where federal tax exemption is pending, arrangements may be made to use a Fiscal Sponsor.
Out-of-State Travel
The Minnesota State Legislature expanded a restriction on use of funds that affects key grant programs. SEMAC is not able to provide funding for activities or travel that take place outside the state of Minnesota. Under no circumstances will out of state travel be allowed in a SEMAC grant application.
Partner Organization
The nonprofit organization, educational institution, or local government entity who participates in, and provides resources for, the proposed project with the grant Applicant. Outside talent, a Fiscal Sponsor, or an organization providing venues or audiences is not considered a partner. For questions, or if the proposed partner is not tax-exempt, contact the SEMAC office.
There are certain restrictions on funds that SEMAC administers. An Applicant or Partner Organization:
- This may not apply if there are overdue final or interim reports from a previous SEMAC grant, or if the report was not approved by SEMAC staff.
- Are not eligible if they have received certain funding from the Minnesota State Arts Board or the McKnight Foundation within the past two fiscal years. Contact the SEMAC office for questions on eligibility.
- May not submit more than one proposal during the same grant round.
Review Criteria
SEMAC uses the following three review standards (called Review Criteria) in scoring all applications. Applicants shall address each of these standards in the Proposal Narrative section of the grant application. Click Grant Review for specifics.
- Artistic merit and quality of the project or program.
- Demand or need for the project or program by the applicant or by the constituents served.
- Ability of the applicant to accomplish the project or program they describe or the organizational goals as presented.
SEMAC Region
The eleven-county area of southeastern Minnesota in which all applicants must be located, includes Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona Counties. The Capstone Event must also be held in the SEMAC Region. See Who We Serve.
SMART Model Evaluation Method
Answers to the application questions will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of proposals. Refer to this SMART model evaluation method when completing the application.
S = Specific | M = Measurable | A = Achievable | R = Realistic | T = Time Bound |
Start and End Dates
To be eligible for funding, the proposed project (which includes preparation time) must begin at least ninety days after the final submission deadline. Calculate start date as the day you will begin committing physical resources to the project, NOT when the programming itself commences. The end date (when all aspects of the project will be finished, including wrapping up the budget) cannot be more than twelve months after the start date. For administrative/operating support, the start and end dates may coincide with your fiscal year. All incurred expenses must occur between the specified Start Date and End Date of the project.
Some grant activities include events held at various locations. All venues, including outdoor venues, must be accessible. SEMAC requires that data on each venue be included in final reports. This data may be collected and reported using the attached Event Venue spreadsheet. The spreadsheet simply keeps track of the venue name, address, city, zip, and number of days the venue was used.
Work Samples
All materials in support of a project should be posted electronically. For example, many artists and organizations have their own Web sites, facebook pages, YouTube videos, etc. To use these or similar media tools in your proposal, simply provide a Web address or URL as requested in your application. If you wish to submit work samples or other support material but do not have access to electronic media, a limited number of work samples may be uploaded to the online application form.