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Visual Arts

The following art galleries and visual arts venues serve the SEMAC region of southeastern Minnesota. Though not an exhaustive list, these groups range from presenting arts productions to providing education in the arts.

For a comprehensive list of multidisciplinary arts organizations, click here.

If you do not find your organization listed, or information should be updated, please email staff(at) to be added to the list. It is not necessary that a group be a SEMAC grantee to be included on this list.

  • Albert Lea Art Center
    PO Box 313, 101 S Broadway, Albert Lea MN 56007
    507-373-5665 or alartcenter(at)
  • Art on the Ave
    822 Seventh Ave SE, Rochester MN 55904
    507-281-8637 or slatterlyparkaoa(at)
  • ArtOrg
    214 Fourth St N, Cannon Falls MN 55099
    507-261-8086 or info(at)
  • FiftyNorth Gallery
    1651 Jefferson Pkwy, Northfield MN 55057
    507-664-3707 or michelle.loken(at)
  • Lake City Area Arts
    PO Box 307, 105 W Center St, Lake City MN 55041
    651-448-8665 or lakecityareaarts(at)
  • Rochester Art Center
    40 Civic Center Dr SE, Rochester MN 55904
    507-282-8629 or info(at)
  • Winona Arts Center
    228 E Fifth St, Winona MN 55987
    507-453-9959 or winonaartscenter(at)
Visual Arts