The following professional and community theatre groups serve the SEMAC region of southeastern Minnesota. Though not an exhaustive list, the following groups range from presenting arts productions to providing education in the arts.
If you do not find your organization listed, or information should be updated, please email staff(at) to be added to the list. It is not necessary that a theatre group be a SEMAC grantee to be included on this list.
- Absolute Theatre
1108 6th Ave NW, Rochester MN 55901
507-722-2730 or info(at)
- Albert Lea Community Theatre
PO Box 115, 147 N Broadway, Albert Lea MN 56007
507-377-4371 ir act(at)
- Appleseed Community Theatre
333 Main St, La Crescent MN 55947
- Brave Community Theatre
424 N Broadway, Spring Valley MN 55975
507-951-4394 or bravecommunity_theatre(at)
- Calliope Theatre Company
1345 Woodland Dr SW, Rochester MN 55902
507-302-8296 or calliopetheatremn(at)
- Commonweal Theatre Company
208 Parkway Ave N, Lanesboro MN 55949
800-657-7025 or info(at)
- Dream Theatre at DreamAcres Farm
17289 County Rd 8, Wykoff MN 55990
507-352-4255 or etcsbarr(at)
- Great River Shakespeare Festival
163 E Second St, Winona MN 55987
507-474-7900 or info(at)
- History Alive Lanesboro
33949 Golden Dr, Lanesboro MN 55949
612-823-0776 or historyalivelanesboro(at)
- Immersion Youth Repertory
839 Fifth Ave SE, Rochester MN 55904
507-206-1559 or immersionyouthrep(at)
- Lanesboro Community Theatre
32987 State Hwy 30, Lanesboro MN 55949
- Little Theatre of Owatonna
PO Box 64, 560A Dunnell Dr, Owatonna MN 55060
507-451-0764 or info(at)
- Lockwood Theatre Company
1213 Elm Ave S, Owatonna MN 55060
507-363-6770 or kathy@rush(at)
- Mantorville Theatre Company
The Mantorville Opera House, 5 Fifth St, W, Mantorville MN 55955
507-635-5420 or mantorvilletheatre(at)
- Matchbox Children’s Theatre
PO Box 576, 211 First St SE, Austin MN 55912
507-437-9078 or info(at)
- Northfield Arts Guild Theatre
411 Third St W, Northfield MN 55057
507-645-3757 or info(at)
- Once and Future Classics
performance space only Peace United Church of Christ, 1503 Second Ave NE, Rochester MN 55906
507-261-4163 or oafctheatre(at)
- Paradise Center for the Arts
321 Central Ave N, Faribault MN 55021
507-332-7372 or info(at)
- Plainview Community Theater
performance space only Community Presbyterian Church, 505 W Broadway, Plainview MN 55964
507-261-1227 or info(at)
- The Rochester Civic Theatre Company
30 Civic Center Dr SE Suite 100, Rochester MN 55904
507-282-8481 or info(at)
- Rochester Community & Technical College Theatre Program
Charles E. Hill Theatre, 851 30th Ave SE, Rochester MN 55904
- Rochester Repertory Theatre Company
mailing address PO Box 6537, Rochester MN 55903
103 Seventh St NE, Rochester MN 55906
507-289-1REP or boxoffice(at)
- Sheldon Theatre of Performing Arts
443 W Third St, Red Wing MN 55066
651-388-8700 or buytickets(at)
- Summerset Community Theatre
Frank W. Bridges Theatre, 1900 Eighth Ave NW, Austin MN 55912
507-433-0595 or boxoffice(at)
- That Theatre Company
20 Civic Center Dr SE, Rochester MN 55904
507-208-1703 or thattheatrerochester(at)
- Theatre du Mississippi
PO Box 184, Winona MN 55987
507-858-7543 or theatredumississ(at)
- Upstage Theatre
501 N Main St, Stewartville MN 55976
507-206-8580 or upstageolivia(at)
- Wits’ End Theatre
PO Box 582, 405 Main St S, Chatfield MN 55923
507-867-8780 or witsendtheatreboxoffice(at)
- Ye Olde Opera House
PO Box 455, 155 W Main St, Spring Grove MN 55974
507-498-5859 or david(at)
- Z-Theatre of Zumbrota
PO Box 45, 96 E Fourth St, Zumbrota MN 55992
507-218-2066 or ztheatre.zumbrota(at)