The following musical groups serve the SEMAC region of southeastern Minnesota. Though not an exhaustive list, these groups range from presenting arts productions to providing education in the arts.
If you do not find your organization listed, or information should be updated, please email staff(at) to be added to the list. It is not necessary that a group be a SEMAC grantee to be included on this list.
- Albert Lea Community Band
147 S Broadway Ave, Albert Lea MN 56007
507-379-4834 or albertleacommunityband(at)
- Ameriikan Poijat Finnish Brass Band
608 Zanmiller Dr W, Northfield MN 55057
507-645-7554 or niemisto(at)
- Austin Big Band
507-271-5745 or austinbigband(at)
- Austin Community Band
413 Third St SW, Austin MN 55912
507-437-7331 or tadavis60(at)
- Austin Symphony Orchestra
PO Box 465, 301 Third St NW, Austin MN 55912
performances at Austin High School Knowlton Auditorium
507-460-3678 or pburkhart(at)
- Bells of the Bluffs Handbell Ensemble
615 W Fifth St, Red Wing MN 55066
651-808-4589 or bellsofthebluffs(at)
- Bridge Chamber Music Festival
PO Box 173, Northfield MN 55057
612-702-1817 or carter(at)
- Cannon Falls Community Band
12100 Wild Turkey Rd, Welch, MN 55089
507-298-0221 or cfcommunityband(at)
- Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra
304 Division St S, Northfield MN 55057
507-645-8877 or office(at)
- Chamber Music Live – Apollo Music Festival
PO Box 263, 314 S Erickson, Houston MN 55943
507-273-1084 or chambermusiclive(at)
- Chatfield Brass Band
PO Box 578, 81 Library Lane, Chatfield MN 55923
507-867-3275 or chatfieldbrassband(at)
- Choral Arts Ensemble
1001 14th St NW Suite 900, Rochester MN 55901
507-252-8427 or info(at)
- Dover Eyota Music Association
615 South Ave SW, Eyota MN 55934
507-545-2924 or nickfink27(at)
- First Players Band Program (primarily for 4th graders and older)
512 Third St SW, Rochester MN 55902
507-282-1618 or fpcfirstplayers(at)
- Honors Choirs of Southeast Minnesota
1001 14th St NW Suite 920, Rochester MN 55901
507-252-0505 or hc(at)
- I Cantanti Chamber Choirs
1003 Maple St, Northfield MN 55057
507-645-4691 or icantanti(at)
- Mid West Music Fest
PO Box 1465, Winona MN 55987
608-498-0268 or info(at)
- Minnesota Beethoven Festival
PO Box 1143, Winona MN 55987
507-457-1783 or nkirk(at)
- Minnesota State Fiddlers Association
13780 Hwy 60 Blvd, Zumbrota MN 55992
402-490-6710 or msfafiddlers(at)
- Music Lessons for All
1903 Broadway Ave S, lower level, Rochester MN 55904
507-722-8305 or musiclessonsforallmn(at)
- Northfield Arts Guild – 411 Concert Series
304 Division St S, Northfield MN 55057
507-645-8877 or info(at)
- Northfield Troubadours
1651 Jefferson Pkwy, Northfield MN 55057
- Northfield Youth Choirs
PO Box 460, 205 S Water St, Noarthfield MN 55057
507-664-9335 or office(at)
- Owatonna Symphony Orchestra
509 SE 64th Ave, Owatonna MN 55060
507-451-9655 or owatonnasymphony(at)
- Resounding Voices
1530 Greenview Dr SW Suite 120, Rochester MN 55902
507-218-8376 or info(at)
- Rochester Area Handbells
400 5th Ave SW, Rochester MN 55902
507-226-3420 or rochesterareahandbells(at)
- Rochester Chamber Music Society
PO Box 834, Rochester MN 55903
507-287-9765 or rcmsociety(at)
- Rochester Civic Music
201 Fourth St SE Suite 170, Rochester MN 55904
507-328-2201 or info(at)
- Rochester Community Band
3523 Sixth Pl NW, Rochester MN 55901
507-285-9915 or jillwellik(at)
- Rochester Community & Technical College Music Program
Charles E. Hill Theatre, 851 30th Ave SE, Rochester MN 55904
507-285-7200 or william.frame(at)
- Rochester Flute Choir
PO Box 5955, Rochester MN 55903
507-993-3812 or altoflutist(at)
- Rochester Male Chorus
PO Box 6254, Rochester MN 55903
507-990-1597 or rochestermalechorus(at)
- Rochester Music Guild
PO Box 5802, Rochester MN 55903
507-285-0970 or pres(at)
- Rochester Pops Orchestra
810 third Ave SE, Rochester MN 55904
507-318-0801 or bbessee(at)
- Rochester Symphony
1530 Greenview Dr SW #120, Rochester MN 55902
507-28-MUSIC or info(at)
- Sheldon Theatre Brass Band
365 Oak Hill Dr, Red Wing MN 55066
651-388-2656 or stbbconcerts(at)
- Sing Out Loud
PO Box 6205, Rochester MN 55903
507-269-7114 or admin(at)
- Southeast Minnesota Bluegrass Association
PO Box 93, Rushford MN 55971, festivals held at Cushon’s Peak Campground, 18696 State 15, Houston MN 55943
507-288-1785 or darrbarr1962(at)
- Southeast Minnesota Federation Music Club
564 Fifth St SW, Pine Island MN 55963
507-356-4800 or jagutzmer(at)
- Southeastern Minnesota Suzuki Association
1811 Walden Ln SW, Rochester MN 55902
507-289-4575 or lindakwthompson(at)
- Southeastern Minnesota Youth Orchestras
1001 14th St NW #450, Rochester MN 55901
507-282-1718 or info(at)
- Stewartville Community Band
2021 Pinewood Rd SE, Rochester MN 55904
507-282-0815 or bgronvold(at)
- Strings in Motion
PO Box 775, 1031 W Wabasha St, Winona MN 55987
507-452-8227 or stringsinmotion(at)
- Stringwood Chamber Music Festival
held at Eagle Bluff, 28097 Goodview Dr, Lanesboro MN 55949
651-587-7595 or ray(at)
- Universal Music Center
163 Tower View Dr, Red Wing MN 55066
651-301-9223 or
- Upper Mississippi Jazz Society
224 Lake Dr, Winona MN 55987
507-452-8382 or livedixieland(at)
- Vintage Band Festival
204 Seventh St W Box 130, Northfield MN 55057
507-645-7554 or vintagebandfestival(at)
- Winona Oratorio Chorus
PO Box 913, Winona MN 55987
507-452-9301 or hmechell(at)
- Winona Symphony Orchestra
PO Box 1197, Somsen Hall, 175 W Mark St, Winona MN 55987
507-457-5254 or winonasymphony(at)
- Zumbro Valley Chorus, chapter of Sweet Adelines International
rehearsals at Trinity Lutheran Church, 222 Sixth Ave SW, Rochester MN 55904
507-421-7763 or president(at)
- Zumbrota Community Band
700 Judith Ct, Zumbrota MN 55992
507-752-5433 or zumbrotaband(at)