The following dance organizations serve the SEMAC region of southeastern Minnesota. Though not an exhaustive list, these groups range from presenting arts productions to providing education in the arts.
If you do not find your organization listed, or if information should be updated, please email staff(at) to be added to the list. It is not necessary that a group be a SEMAC grantee to be included on this list.
- Children’s Dance Theatre
PO Box 6655, Rochester MN 55903
507-281-3335 or rochester.cdt(at)
- Lanesboro Barn Dance
18287 Gap Dr, Spring Grove MN 55974
507-498-5452 or bobbovee46(at)
- Rochester Dance Company
PO Box 7262, Rochester MN 55903
507-722-1036 or rochesterdancecompanymn(at)
- Rochester Ensemble of Dance
495 Valley View Rd SW, Oronoco MN 55960
507-990-6545 or rochesterensembleofdance(at)