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Grants for Emerging Artists

The Emerging Artist category provides $3,000 in financial support to artists who are at a stage in their artistic development where they have some evidence of achievement but do not have a substantial record of accomplishment. The term “emerging” does not refer to an artist’s stylistic evolution but to the artist’s accomplishments and recognition. Artists at this stage are developing their talents and may have been noticed locally. Many artists remain in this category for their entire artistic lives.

Proposals must support specific project goals and are encouraged from artists in all disciplines with the following restrictions.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age on the Grant Deadline and not currently enrolled in high school.
  • You must be a United States citizen or resident alien.
  • You must have been a full-time resident of the SEMAC Region for at least six months and agree to reside in Minnesota for the duration of the proposed grant activity.
  • You may not apply until all final reports from all previous SEMAC grants have been submitted and approved.
  • You may not apply for an Emerging Artist Grant if you have ever received an Advancing or Established Artist Grant from SEMAC.
  • Your project cannot be related to class, course or degree requirements.
  • You are not eligible to apply as an Emerging Artist if you have received recognition such as:
    • Solo exhibition in a major metropolitan area (i.e., Twin Cities, Chicago);
    • Book published by a traditional publishing house (not self-published or so-called vanity press);
    • Music composition funded by a foundation or commissioned by a group;
    • Work professionally produced by a recognized theatre or dance company.